I saw a Midge, which is an insect larvae, crawling on the soil bed of my microaquarium. I have seen this organism before but thought it was a worm. It defenitely looked like a worm. It had a long body with ywo tiny arms near it's head.
Images made with:
Sony Handycam (still imaging and video recording) HDR-HC9 or HDR-XR500v cameras with a Martin Microscope MM99 Adapter S/N: 4310 adapter to attach to microscope trinocular head.
Microscopes: Olympus CH30 or Leitz Laborlux 11 or Leitz Laborlux D with trinocular heads. Images were made at 40X, 100X and 400X.
Computers: Dell Optiplex 755 or Optiplex 960
Software: Images were processed with Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. Videos were processed using Pinnacle Studio 12.